Here you will find all of our blogs, discussing stories from parents, careers and service users.
We also post helpful tips and advice to help people with similar issues.
Our Blog
Thank you Jess....for raising £1,357 for KAT!!
Lock Street Day Service create St. Georges Day window display
Residents at River Drive have been busy decorating the outside of the building!!
Learn how to draw your own baby dragon using kitchen utensils from a tutorial by AOD
Amanda Penfold, our very loyal and dedicated staff member celebrates 19 years with KAT.
An act of pure kindness!! Our thanks to Vokes, Rainham & Windmill Taxis
Easter Egg Blowing at Butler's Park Way Supported Living
Thank you for making a difference to all frontline keyworkers
Looking after your mental health during Covid-19
Curlew create a wall of positivity!!
Wayfield Supported Living in Chatham enjoy a PJ day and garden games
Reducing Anxiety While Homebound with Children with Autism
New Online Support Groups
Struggling to explain coronavirus to your child?
Thank you to our CEO, Christine Edwards-Daem
How to help your child cope with coronavirus lockdown:
A beautiful poem written for our KAT care hero's by our very own in-house poet Annie Bardo
Autism Awareness Day Lockdown party at our Homersham Supported Living
Smiling and keeping positive!!