Here you will find all of our blogs, discussing stories from parents, careers and service users.
We also post helpful tips and advice to help people with similar issues.
Our Blog
The Kent Autistic Trust invites local Councillors to autism awareness training
Different for girls: understanding autism | The Guardian
Dame Cheryl Gillan: I hope all MPs will receive autism training
Dovetail Games donate Easter eggs
A big thank you to The John Wallis Academy
Autism Awareness Week....A peek into our week
Awareness Day at The Pentagon Centre, Chatham
Emma Kelliher completes 5K run to raise funds for the Trust
Spurs Legends evening organised by H20 Streams Ltd a huge success!!
Rochester & Cobham Park Golf Day a huge success
KAT nationally recognised by the Parliamentary Review for our contribution to the care sector
Pentagon Farmer's Market - First Saturday of the Month
East Kent NHS talk about Autism
Deadline approaching - 'Know your rights' campaign survey - Autism Alliance
Noah's Challenge - London to Brighton Bike Ride
Autism Awareness Week 1-7 April 2019
Survey about the Autism Act: a call to families and people on the spectrum to respond to what works
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