Contact Us
We have limited staff at Head Office, so please email the relevant contact (below) in the first instance.
You will receive a response as soon as is possible.
If you are unsure of the correct contact, please email general enquiries and your email will be redirected to the relevant department.
We are also always happy to receive any feedback on how we can improve or what services you were happy with, if you wish to give us feedback, please email general enquiries.
The Kent Autistic Trust is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information.
To read our Data Protection Policy that describes how we collect and use personal information View 'Privacy Policy'
Our Contacts
01634 477171
Emilymay Miles - Family Support Autism Information Officer (Adults)
Fundraising Enquiries (Grants)
Amanda James - Fundraising Manager
Donna Newell - Head Of HR & IT
Kim Winfield - Head of Finance