2021 KAT Heros
Recognising that our staff are the most vital element in making our support service to each individual successful, we take the time to acknowledge our heroes – but of course everyone of our staff is a hero to us!!
KAT Heroes really help to motivate and inspire each other by bringing a little joy or reminding us that we really are a family here at the Trust.
Thank you for the big difference you all make every single day!

Leonie Hawgood, our Perry’s Close Specialist Support Worker, has been nominated as another KAT Hero this week!! Leonie has shown such dedication to her job by helping one of the people we support, who is very vulnerable, with several hospital visits. Leonie and many other members of staff at Perry’s Close, have gone above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the people we support, get the best care possible.
Well done on your nomination Leonie and thank you for going the extra mile for those in our care!!
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Joan Hagan, our Head of Care, who has been nominated as a KAT Hero. Joan was nominated because she is ALWAYS there supporting everyone, the people we support and staff alike, regardless of the time of day or night!! She attends appointments, she advocates for all of the people we support on a daily basis, she fights for their rights and ensures this is promoted within every staff team.
Joan knows every staff member and remembers their current circumstances and situations, she is so passionate about promoting the people we support!! She is an amazing Head of Care and we are all extremely lucky to work with her. Thank you from us all at KAT Joan!!
Well-deserved recognition to Janita Cushman, our Shift Leader from River Drive residential home in Strood. Janita continues to go over and above the call of duty for the people we support and her colleagues. She covers all the shifts she can and helps out at short notice. She is an absolute asset to the team at River Drive, and we just want her to know how much she is appreciated!
Janita always has a smile on her face and will do anything to help anyone. Thank you Janita!!
Well done to Melissa Hilton, Wake Night Support staff at our Perry’s Close residential home in Faversham for going the extra mile.
Melissa has gone above and beyond the call of duty for one of the people we support, who was admitted to hospital recently. Melissa did her wake night shifts in the hospital to stay alongside this individual, which in itself presented a number of challenges, but Melissa supported him so exceptionally well. Well done Melissa.
Congratulations to our PBS Team Manager, Tamsin Gregory Conquest another nominated KAT Hero!! - Tamsin has continued to lead the PBS Team with care, dedication and commitment throughout these difficult times. She is a constant cheerful presence and always available for advice and encouragement. Thank you Tamsin, you always go the extra mile!
Congratulations Tracy Long on being nominated as a KAT Hero. Tracy is our Medway Regional Manager and has been nominated because she is always so supportive in absolutely everything to her Medway team. She always has time to listen and always helps resolve any situation when needed. Tracy always goes above and beyond for the Medway Managers and for the people we support, and always shows her appreciation. Tracy is just one of our many hero’s!! Thank you Tracy and well done on your nomination!!
More of our care staff recognised this week as KAT Hero’s!! A very well done to Specialist Support Workers - Sue Mcneil, Lyndsey Drew, Sally Walker and Shayla at our 21 High Street day centre in Gillingham. All have shown outstanding care and in particular recently, when one of the people we support, experienced a challenging time for health reasons. Sue, Lyndsey, Sally and Shayla successfully supported the individual with emergency hospital appointments. This was all due to the specialist support and training they have been provided with and use. The staff worked tirelessly with this particular individual, whilst he was having a really tough time and we are all very proud of them. well done girls!!
Well done to Hayley Ponsonby, Specialist Support Worker / Acting Team Leader at Perrys Close residential home in Faversham. Hayley has been recognised as a KAT Hero for going above and beyond the call of duty in supporting her team at Perry's Close. She has been constantly available to lend a helping hand to all of her colleagues, and has shown her dedication to the people we support and her care for them. She has dealt with many situations effectively and professionally. Thank you Hayley for all you do.
Congratulations to Lauren Rule, our Specialist Support Worker at Perry's Close residential home in Faversham, a true KAT Hero!! Our thanks for stepping up and leading shifts, making sure all of the people we supports needs are always met. You're a star, thank you Lauren!!
Taking the time to recognise some more of our fantastic staff. Well done Max Harman, a Support Worker at River Drive residential home in Strood. Max has been nominated by his colleagues, who have said a huge thank you for helping out as much as he can. Max joined the River Drive team before Christmas and has worked every day over the Christmas and New Year period. He is always willing to take on a mixture of shifts, including waking nights, sleep ins, long days and evenings. Max, you are a ray of sunshine on shift, and a pleasure to work with. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!!
Well done to Myles Anderson, a Support Worker at our River Drive residential home. Nominated as a KAT Hero this week, for going above and beyond the call of duty. Myles, you are a very valuable member of staff and have settled perfectly into River Drive. Your hard work and dedication is very much appreciated. Thank you for all your help Myles!!
Megan McGuinn, Support Worker at our Homersham Supported Living, has been nominated by colleagues as a KAT Hero!! Megan has been an absolute star for the house, she is really working with her full efforts and care, to support each individual. She always works as a team player and puts the people we support first. Megan is also very helpful and supportive to the new staff in the house, going the extra mile to support the whole team. Well done Megan!!
Another of our KAT Hero’s this week. Well done Sarah Haines, a Specialist Support Worker at our River Drive residential home. Sarah is a huge asset to the team at River Drive. Nothing is ever too much for Sarah. Always working above and beyond, making her colleagues shifts a lot easier with the support she constantly gives. Thank you, Sarah, you're a super star!!
Well done to our Positive Behaviour Support Practice Lead, Paul Cairns for being nominated as a KAT Hero by his colleagues!!
Paul has been such a great support to all of the staff at our Beaver Lane residential home in Ashford. He has worked really hard with one of the people we support there, who is facing anxieties, and huge challenges. Paul has also been a great support to the staff at Beaver Lane, offering advice, direct support and assistance, and at times just a listening ear. Helping to communicate with external professionals to get the best outcomes for the individual concerned and taking some of the load off the staff and Manager. Paul goes above and beyond and he needs to know how grateful we all are for his support and time. Thank you Paul, you deserve to be a KAT hero
Another KAT Hero this week!! Congratulations Emma Rivers, Assistant Manager at our River Drive residential home in Strood. Emma has helped new staff settle in really well and works so hard to ensure the house is running smoothly. She goes above and beyond the call of duty, for the people we support in their home and all the staff there. She is always available to lend a warm listening ear to if anyone is having a bad day. You can always count on Emma, not just to keep everything running so smoothly, but to make you feel better, if you are finding things hard. Thank you and well done Emma.
Well done Caroline Couldridge, our Specialist Support Worker at Lock Street Day Centre in Gillingham. Caroline has been nominated as a KAT Hero this week, because she is an invaluable member of the Lock Street team. She is the first to step up when someone is in need or struggling and an absolute ray of sunshine. Caroline is always there with a joke and a smile for everyone around her. Thank you for being amazing Caroline!!
Well done to our Compliance and Housing Support Officer, Jess Lineham. Jess has been nominated a KAT Hero this week, because she always goes out of her way to help everyone whenever she can. Jess is always there to offer a helping hand, and has recently helped one of our Medway Managers to complete a mammoth task that saved a lot of time. Thank you Jess for always being you and supporting KAT Managers effortlessly and tirelessly.
Lynne Dence, our Specialist Support Worker at Ashford Resource Centre has been nominated by colleagues because, she always, ensures the people we support are provided with the best quality of care possible. Despite all the changes and challenges caused by the pandemic, Lynne has remained consistent and continues to ensure the people we support are always active and busy, creating imaginative, fun, meaningful activities to minimize the impact of the lockdown. Well done Lynne.
Well done to Amanda Aris, our Team Leader at Curlew Crescent Residential Home in Strood, for being nominated as a KAT Hero this week. Amanda was nominated because of her awesome work and the initiative she has been portraying to staff and the people we support through these tough times. Amazing Amanda, thank you.
Well done to Emma Rivers, our Assistant Manager at River Drive Residential Home in Strood. Emma has been so supportive through really challenging times for everyone, she’s always takes time to ensure staff are feeling supported and happy, Emma always has a positive outlook and works so hard every day!! Emma you’re amazing!! Thank you.
Well done to Louise Hudson, nominated as one of this week’s ‘KAT Heroes in the Spotlight’. Louise is a Specialist Support Worker at our Perry’s Close Residential Home in Faversham. She was nominated by her colleagues, because she shows so much enthusiasm in everything that she does. She is continuously coming up with new creative and fun ideas, for the people we support, her latest being a sunflower growing competition. Louise is relatively new to care, but has shown that she is such a natural. The interaction and kindness that she shows to the people she supports is outstanding. Well done Louise.
Well done to Lucy Morely, our Specialist Support Worker at Newton Close Day Centre. Nominated for always ensuring her colleagues walk into a coffee in the morning, making amazing lunches, and being a great support. Well done for your hard work, encouragement and efforts, in helping the people we support to get back to their Newton Close daily activities. Well done and keep up the good work.
Caroline Leithead is a Support Worker at our River Drive Residential Home in Strood. Caroline is a valued member of the River Drive staff team and has gone over and above the call of duty, for the people we support and her colleagues. She has worked so hard and taken on many extra shifts to help give extra support those in our care, during some very difficult times. Caroline always has a smile on her face, is a great listener and motivates her team to keep going! She has been outstanding and we appreciate everything she does for River Drive. Thank you Caroline!
Rebecca Glidewell, our Specialist Support Worker at Newton Close Day Centre in Chatham. Has been nominated as a ‘KAT Hero in the Spotlight’ this week. Rebecca is always dedicated to her job and does it very well, she doesn't need to be asked to do anything, she just strives forward on every shift. Thank you from us all Rebecca!
Well done Max Harman! Our Casual Specialist Support Worker at River Drive, for going above and beyond the call of duty. Since recently taking on shifts with us at the beginning of December, Max has picked up endless amounts of hours to help us out when in need and it has definitely not gone unnoticed.
He has built up a very good relationship with the people we support at River Drive and has a great rapport with the staff, working really hard from day one, and we would like to thank him, for everything he does. Max always joins a shift full of life and lifts the spirits in the house, he always entertains the residents and staff with his amazing sense of humour! When he is on shift, always encourages the people we support to participate in cookery, making amazing treats for the house! Thank you, Max!
Jo has been chosen as one of our ‘KAT Hero’s in the spotlight’ for to helping to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition for one of the people we support there. The care and thought she put into this transition was remarkable. A true, heartfelt response to everything this person was going through. We are lucky to have her.
Nicola Paisley, our Specialist Support Worker at Curlew Crescent residential home in Strood has been recognised as a KAT Hero for the month of June. Nikki, is a breath of fresh air and always has been at Curlew! She is an individual full of life, laughter and makes everyone she encounters happier! Team Curlew would like to thank you for your hard work dedication and smile at every shift.
Well done to Lyndsey Drew, a Specialist Support Worker at our 21 High Street Day Centre. Lyndsey has been nominated as a June KAT Hero, for working so hard to support the service. Lyndsey has mentored and supported some of new starters and the team fabulously and for this Lyndsey is 21's hero.
Well done Kamal! Nominated as one of our June KAT Heros. Kamal is a Team Leader at our Homersham Supported Living service in Canterbury.
This well-deserved nomination was made by a parent, to express their sincere gratitude for the exemplary standard of personal care that he has provided since joining KAT. Kamal has spent time focusing on all of the ‘little things’ that add up to an awful lot and has thus gained this individual’s absolute trust. Recently enabling him to spend a weekend away in London, staying overnight in a hotel and carrying out a planned action-packed itinerary, the first time he has agreed to an overnight stay away anywhere other than at home with the family since he moved to Homersham. This was a huge step for him, and he looked so relaxed and happy in all of the lovely photos and the two videos that Kamal put together as a reminder of their trip when they got home.
Additionally, and probably even more appreciated, Kamal has helped this individual, learn to tie his shoelaces properly, so his shoes are correctly fitted to his feet, facilitated regular communication with his family by email, text and zoom, after helping him buy and set up his laptop during lockdown.
He has helped to refresh his wardrobe and donate clothes that no longer fit to charity. He even helps him to gel his hair and wear his cologne, so he looks (and smells!) the part of the handsome 25-year-old man that he is. This individual is blossoming in Kamal’s company, and he refers to him as ‘my good friend Kamal’. A good friend indeed, and the very epitome of everything the word ‘carer’ means. A heartfelt thank you Kamal, another shining example of our outstanding staff and teams at KAT.
Iain is a Support Worker at our 21 High Street Day Centre in Gillingham. He is new to 21 and has shown fabulous compassion, great initiative and is a fantastic support for the people we support within the service. Iain has built some lasting relations with the staff team, as well as those we support, and has become a great asset already.
Congratulations Isaac Harris, a Specialist Support Worker at our Lock Street Day Centre in Gillingham, another of our KAT Hero’s.
Isaac has gone out of his way to help staff and the people we support at Lock Street. He has taken on new responsibilities so well, Lock Street would be very quiet without him. Isaac is a hard worker and no task is too much for him. He is always ready to step in to help support anyone, which is always done with a big smile! A hugely valued member of the Lock Street team and always has time for everyone, with a friendly listening ear….and often a bar of chocolate! Thank you, Isaac!