If you are self-isolating due to the coronavirus outbreak, it is important to ensure we all keep physically and mentally active and keep ourselves and our families, or those we care for entertained. Let’s all work together, supporting each other with ideas of activities, with the aim to keep positive in these challenging times. We can all get through this together!!
Here are some activity ideas and links below:
Arts and crafts, get a colouring app or buy a colouring book (children and adults) - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Art-Mindfulness-Happy-Energized-Colouring/dp/1782435026 * Mindfulness is a practice that has been clinically proven to reduce anxiety and enables us to break out of the harmful cycle of stress and tension. * Colouring is a therapeutic process that can enable you to switch off your thoughts and fears as you get lost in the creative activity.
Make natural art - collect fallen leaves, petals and sticks and use them to make a picture or sculpture
Baking (if you have the ingredients!), Easter is not far away!! See link to a hot cross bun recipe - https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/hotcrossbuns_397 or bake some cookies
Yoga – enquire about online yoga classes https://www.rootsandbootslifestyle.co.uk/ / info@rootsandbootslifestyle.co.uk, alternatively you could watch a YouTube yoga video or buy a DVD online
Exercises – do some indoor or outdoor exercises or play some outdoor games such as skipping, hopscotch, crochet, football, bowls
Have a Pamper Evening i.e. facemask, paint nails, relaxing bubble bath
Do some gardening or grow some vegetables, herbs or flowers - https://www.dunelm.com/product/grow-your-own-pizza-garden-1000159459?defaultSkuId=30670165&branchCode=0800&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjvX2womx6AIVE4fVCh24KwwjEAQYCyABEgLtuvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Sewing, crochet or knitting
Board games
Watch films
Sell unwanted household goods on Ebay or Facebook market place
Write a story or poem, write a colourful letter to friends or family, or draw a doodle
Read a book
Video call friends or family, you can do this on Skype, Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp
Do some home improvements or DIY
Listen to a meditation video on YouTube or get an app. When your mind starts to spiral, turn it inward. Mediation videos can easily guide you through mindful exercises and techniques to reach inner peace.
Do a Crossword / Sudoku
Clean your house and declutter - A clutter-free space contributes to a healthier mind. Studies have shown that clutter may cause anxiety and have a negative effect on your mental wellbeing.
Learn a language a simple easy way to do this is to download the Duolingo app
Create a treasure hunt around the house and garden
Don’t throw away your empty loo roll tubes!! Make a loo roll bird feeder – simply, smother the cardboard tube in peanut butter (no added salt and sugar versions are suitable for birds), roll it in bird seed and thread some string through a hole at the top. Tie it up in your garden where birds will feel safe eating. Then see how many garden birds you can spot?
Have a picnic in the garden
Invest in an ant world kit - Discover the fascinating life of ants in an ideal environment. Watch the ants build tunnels, keep their home tidy and feed each other - https://www.craftyarts.co.uk/ant-world-kit-p10786/s21494?cid=GBP&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo8Gao5Wx6AIVA7DtCh0bIQvyEAQYAiABEgJZlPD_BwE
Please feel free to share any other ideas you have with us all
Stay home, keep safe and our thanks again to all care forces including KAT care teams working to keep people safe and well.