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Sharing Information about The Autism Shed....

The team at The Autism Shed know from lived experience that going for diagnosis can be a confusing, disorienting and upsetting time. The process can also be uplifting, freeing and empowering. At The Autism Shed, they have the experience, expertise and empathy to make the process as positive as possible.

Georgie Bainbridge is the Director and says - “We are all very experienced practitioners with a real passion to make sure that the assessment is worthwhile, and the report is supportive of the young people and adults that we work with. The team is made of me - psychologist and psychotherapist (it is really important that I am dual registered as mental health issues often run alongside autism), speech and language consultants, an occupational therapist, a neurodiversity coach, and education specialists. We see people from 8 to 80!”

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