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Some useful information about support that is available during covid-19

We thought we would share with you some useful information about support that is available during covid-19

Family Fund

Funding for families who are raising a disabled or seriously ill child and need support with essential items, they also do a one off grant for 18-24 years olds called Your Opportunity Grant - applications must be completed on paper formats – please visit:

SHOUT crisis support service

Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. People in need of support can text Kent to 85258. Please see here for more details of the service:

Easy-read Coronavirus Information

Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group has a dedicated Coronavirus page, which includes links to easy-read information (under ‘Resources’ on the right hand side)

Latest official guidance

You can also keep up-to-date with the latest official guidance on these dedicated Coronavirus pages:

Kent County Council:

Hygiene Bank

The Hygiene Bank is a grass roots, community initiative, giving hygiene, personal care and household cleaning products to those who need them across the UK. You can contact them at:


RADiANT (ReseArch in DevelopmentAl NeuropsychiaTry), a clinical research consortium of NHS service providers, academics, patients, families, charities, etc has published three guidance documents on COVID-19 on their website, and also have their own list of links relating to Autism, ADHD, Epilepsy and Acquired Brain Injury resources, including easy read information, just visit:



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